Thursday 5 December 2013

Star Wars and it's change in graphical trajectory

Out of the 6 Star Wars movies, the first ones were my favourite. No, not the original 1970's ones where Obi-Wan waved his handle and the laggy, green tubelight of a lightsaber followed suit. I mean the chronological firsts. Weird right?

Because, nostalgia and the general classic feel of the 'original three' have placed them in the Internet's heart. However, that's not the case for me. I'm not saying that the graphics are the only reason why I liked them more; not the ONLY reason anyway. It's just that I watched the new first three ones first (that's not confusing at all) and so the originals were just a huge step down. Not to be superficial, but it looked REALLY bad. Of course, there are some great old movies out there with pretty bad visuals, but when you're talking about sci-fi, looks, in my opinion, are more than just a "technical feature".

Anyways, that's just my 2 cents on the Star Wars series. Might not be a very popular opinion, but mine never seem to be. Signing off!

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