Thursday 12 December 2013

Batman and why he's awesome.

I can't be the only one confused with Batman's...well, existence.

Here we have a league (quite literally a league: The Justice League) composed of heroes like Superman (with unbelievable strength, flight powers, laser vision), martians, Amazonian princesses etc. etc. But one of the most important heroes in this league is a human: Batman. With no special powers, no superhuman strengths, no seemingly magical objects of power, Batman is in par with super powerful beings mostly from other worlds.

I mean, money, equipment and ingenuity can only get you so far. In certain cases he even proves to be of more use than Superman, who in all fairness shouldn't even be able to be stopped (disregarding Kryptonite, of course). How is it that Batman is able to compete in such a League? But that's the thing; he IS.

Batman is by far one of my favourite characters ever. His determination, fuelled by the loss of those he loved the most, has literally made him one of the most powerful heroes in DC existence. Sure, he had the money, but you don't see many other millionaires fighting crime do you? Batman is the living example of "anything is possible", and for this reason, he is awesome.

Nananananananana signing offff!!!

Thursday 5 December 2013

The Amazing DC with the Stupendous Marvel!


I love comics, and as anyone on the Internet, I have my opinions on them.

DC is brilliant. The characters have deep stories behind them, and the plots move you. And is it just me, or does the art seriously look delicious. I can't really say much about Marvel, however, as I don't read it. Now, you may be thinking, What? Not Marvel? He loves Iron-man right? I never really liked Marvel. Not because "DC is better than Marvel" or some bias reason. I just seemed to find DC more me. We all have those "me" fandoms don't we? I never really liked Iron-man, though I have read and liked the Daredevil comics from Marvel; they were great. But still, DC.

But if you were to bring movies into this, I'd go with Marvel, for pretty obvious reasons. DC just simply wasn't really good at movie-making. I did like the Superman and Batman movies but they weren't really as awe-inspiring as Marvel's Avengers or as lovable as the Spiderman series. You know, before they ruined it with Andrew Garfield.

That's just my opinion in the midst a raging war of comics and fandoms. Signing off! *dodges Batarang*

Star Wars and it's change in graphical trajectory

Out of the 6 Star Wars movies, the first ones were my favourite. No, not the original 1970's ones where Obi-Wan waved his handle and the laggy, green tubelight of a lightsaber followed suit. I mean the chronological firsts. Weird right?

Because, nostalgia and the general classic feel of the 'original three' have placed them in the Internet's heart. However, that's not the case for me. I'm not saying that the graphics are the only reason why I liked them more; not the ONLY reason anyway. It's just that I watched the new first three ones first (that's not confusing at all) and so the originals were just a huge step down. Not to be superficial, but it looked REALLY bad. Of course, there are some great old movies out there with pretty bad visuals, but when you're talking about sci-fi, looks, in my opinion, are more than just a "technical feature".

Anyways, that's just my 2 cents on the Star Wars series. Might not be a very popular opinion, but mine never seem to be. Signing off!